J. D. Lee Solutions for Chapter: Group 7 - the Manganese Group, Exercise 1: Exercise 1
J. D. Lee Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - J. D. Lee Solutions for Chapter: Group 7 - the Manganese Group, Exercise 1: Exercise 1
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 22: Group 7 - the Manganese Group, Exercise 1: Exercise 1 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Concise Inorganic Chemistry solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from J. D. Lee Solutions for Chapter: Group 7 - the Manganese Group, Exercise 1: Exercise 1 with Hints & Solutions
When ammonium vanadate is heated with an oxalic acid solution, a compound is formed. A sample of was titrated with solution in hot acidic solution. The resulting liquid was reduced with the excess boiled off, and the liquid again titrated with
The ratio of the volumes of used in the two titrations was What conclusions can you make regarding the nature of the compound? oxidizes all oxidation states of vanadium to vanadium reduces vanadium Find the oxidation state of vanadium in .

How the last traces of dioxygen be removed from dinitrogen?

Manganese has been described as 'the most versatile element'. Explain this and show the similarities and differences between the chemistry of manganese and rhenium.

Explain why is pale pink. is black and is intensely coloured purple.

Explain why a green solution of potassium manganate turns purple and a brown solid is precipitated when carbon dioxide is bubbled into the solution.